sweets processing 1-2/2024




Class reunion in Dresden

With a record number of more than 260 participants, the 33rd Dresden Packaging Conference of the German Packaging Institute e. V. (dvi) took place on 30 November and 1 December 2023. Among other things, they discussed exciting developments and solutions for the industry.

The topics ranged from the current status of PPWR and eco-fee modulation to new approaches to recycling, holistically sustainable innovation work in packaging machine construction and use cases in the field of robotics and AI, as well as circular solutions from innovative start-ups and the central importance of emotion in packaging development. The event was also attended by 30 students, who were able to network at the industry's class reunion and, as the specialists of tomorrow, were interesting contacts for the company representatives present.

Never before in the 33-year history of the conference has the Dreikönigs-kirche in Dresden seen more managers and decision-makers from the packaging industry: Under the motto "Packaging between regulation and new beginnings with intelligence", the industry's class reunion brought together committed players from industry, brands, retail, disposal, research and science.

In terms of content, the dvi's conclusion was positive. Kim Cheng, Managing Director of the dvi, says: "We had very diverse and really exciting and topical presentations, which gave rise to lively participation, many questions and lively discussions and extended into the lunch breaks and the evening event. The concept worked once again. There are regular participants who have been seeing each other here as old friends and acquaintances for almost 20 years. There are participants who attended our conference for the first time as students and are now packaging managers at major branded goods and packaging manufacturers. And there are participants who are still studying and who, as important specialists of tomorrow, we are already networking with companies in the industry today for our mutual benefit. Where else can you talk to suppliers, business partners, project partners, customers and students alike at one event?"

On the first evening, the dvi, together with its premium partner Fachpack and conference partners Gerhard Schubert GmbH, GT Trendhouse 42, Stora Enso, Jokey SE, Labthink GmbH, Mitsubishi Electric and BGH Consulting, hosted a relaxed networking evening with food and drinks at the Ball- und Brauhaus Watzke. Beforehand and in the morning of the following day, the auditorium was treated to sixteen presentations and discussions covering a wide range of topics in great detail: from the current status of PPWR and eco-fee modulation to new approaches to recycling, holistically sustainable innovation work in packaging machine construction and exciting use cases in the field of robotics and AI, through to circular solutions from innovative start-ups and the central importance of emotion in packaging development.


