sweets processing 5-6/2018




Omnipresent key topic resource efficiency

Anuga FoodTec, the leading international supplier trade fair of the food and beverage industry, achieved a significant increase in attendance of over 10 %. More than 50,000 visitors set a new record. One focus of the event was resource efficiency.

Anuga FoodTec is continuing to write its success story. After already registering a growth in exhibition space and a two-digit increase in the number of exhibitors (+13 %) in the run-up to the event, this year’s edition of the fair was also able to achieve a significant rise in the number of visitors: more than 50,000 interested parties – over 63 % of whom came from abroad – recently came to Cologne. This represents an increase of almost 11% compared to the previous event. The visitors got information from 1,657 (2015: 1,479) suppliers – 60 % of whom came from abroad – about the innovations and further developments of the supplier industry.

Anuga FoodTec also further increased its level of internationality. Visitors from 152 countries (+15 countries in comparison to the previous event) underpin its position as the leading international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry.

Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH, explained: “This year’s increased number of visitors was above all attributable to the rise in the number of trade visitors from abroad. We were particularly able to register significant growth from China, Italy, Korea, Poland, Russia and South America.”

Dr Reinhard Grandke, Managing Director of the DLG (German Agricultural Society) and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Anuga FoodTec, commented on the excellent standing of the leading international trade fair for food and drink technology: “The extensive specialized programme on the highly relevant key topic, resource efficiency, offered the inter­national audience numerous opportunities to systematically learn more about the optimization of production processes – always with the aim of consuming less energy and water and reducing the waste of food.”

Once again this year, the visitors experienced the entire production cycle and in the course of which were able to experience live both individual solutions as well as holistic, cross-process concepts across all production stages and food industries. In all five exhibition segments – Food Packaging, Safety & Analytics, Food Processing, Food Ingredients as well as Services & Solutions – the companies presented a cross-industry and cross-production range of exhibition offers. The key topic resource efficiency was one of the omnipresent top themes. From Lotus effect packing which reduces the loss of foodstuffs, to saving raw materials such as water or energy in the production process, for example, through to production lines with modular parts for individual products: The event was once again the innovation hub of the supplier industry.

The product show was very well enhanced by a comprehensive event and congress programme. All of the guided tours were fully booked. The Speakers Corner and the forums also met with high interest among the visitors. Furthermore, the opening conference on the first day of the trade fair celebrated a successful ­premiere. Under the leading theme resource efficiency, it focused on the opportunities and risks for the food and beverage industry.
The next Anuga FoodTec will take place from 23 to 26 March 2021 in Cologne.


http://www. anugafoodtec.de
