sweets processing 1-2/2024




Stampac LUP: a new generation of the bestseller – faster and more compact

Stampac has always stood for making the tried and tested even more efficient. Now comes the LUP-ND, a revised version of the successful universal wrapping machine – true to the company motto “High performance packaging machines”.

When good things need to get even better: The technicians at Stampac have carefully analysed their bestseller LUP. Can speed and flexibility be increased even further? Can the machine be made even more compact? These and other questions were on the agenda of the Bavarian pack-aging machine manufacturer from Murnau.

“It is very impressive how incredibly fast rotational products were packaged! The machine processes between 200 and 550 products per minute,” developer Hans-Bernd Lesch proudly declares. It’s clear that the LUP-ND has become significantly faster. Now, up to 310 products per minute can be packed in one lane and up to 550 products per minute in two lanes.

“We never stand still, we are driven by technical perfection and also put successful developments to the test. Of course, in addition to absolute reliability, packaging machines must also adapt to market requirements – these are speed, maximum flexibility and digitalisation of processes,” says Managing Director Dr Michael Sdahl.

The enlarged format range reproduces all industrial folding formats of up to 240 mm – for great flexibility in product sizes. When the chocolate figures come out of the mould, they are processed directly in the correct orientation. Alternatively, various feed systems such as turntables with a camera system align up to 550 products per minute fully automatically; a large pick-and-place robot is not required. To minimise space requirements, a left- and right-hand machine can be operated simultaneously by one operator.

Stampac machines integrate perfectly into digital infrastructures. Current performance data, remote maintenance or batch size allocation – important key figures can be queried via an optional OPC UA interface. A tele-service router is integrated so that machines can be analysed and optimised worldwide. The greatest possible data security is important to STAMPAC, which is why encrypted communication takes place not only via software, but also on the hardware side.

Electrically coded and tamper-proof – magnetic safety switches on the main doors raise the safety level and operating convenience of the LUP-ND to a new level. As an option, employees can log in to the machine with an RFID chip and customised user interfaces and settings are loaded automatically.

Save time and reduce set-up costs – if jumbo rolls with a diameter of 600 millimetres are processed, at least one shift can be produced with the TC/MC series without changing rolls. “The TC/MC series is known for its smoothly packaged hollow products. Shapes are clearly reproduced, barcodes and ingredients are easy to read – which is particularly important for good readability of allergens,” adds authorised signatory Marisa Sdahl.


