sweets processing 1-2/2024




Weig Group makes sustainability a top priority

The Group, a provider of cardboard products and packaging as well as recycling services, has expanded its management to include the "Sustainable Market Orientation" division as of the fourth quarter of 2023. The aim of the newly created division is to bundle topics with overarching, group-wide market relevance in the Weig holding company. These include the sale of folding boxboards as well as the topics of supply chain management, marketing/communication, product development/innovation, business development and sustainability. The previous Head of Customer Focus and Business Development, Roland Rex, has been appointed as the new Managing Director. In the new management division, he is now responsible for implementing important cornerstones of the corporate strategy with regard to sustainable market orientation. "Behind this are current and future challenges with fields of action and individual topics that we have been dealing with for some time and which we need to press ahead with," explains Managing Partner Moritz J. Weig.

For this reason, topics with market relevance and overarching, group-wide significance at Weig Holding will be bundled in this new position. Roland Rex's area of responsibility therefore includes the areas of folding boxboard market, supply chain management and marketing/communication as well as product development/innovation, business development and sustainability.

Group management at Weig Holding is thus organised into three areas: commercial, production and technology, and sustainable market orientation.

