sweets processing 1-2/2024




Silesia appeals to all tastes

Silesia, a reliable partner in the food and beverage industry for over 110 years, presented concepts related to the theme of 'Conscious Enjoyment' at the fair. Here are some interesting creations that captivated the trade show visitors:

Vegan snack balls were the perfect choice for those seeking meatless enjoyment. Thanks to high-quality flavours, they offered an irresistible taste experience. They reached their full potential when paired with vegan dips: Californian Crab balls, accompanied by a Salsa Verde dip, or Turkish Köfte with a refreshing lemon-mint dip.

With the upcycling of instant noodle scraps, pretzel crumbs, and chip crumbs as enticingly flavoured coatings for cashew nuts, the company interprets the topic of sustainability in a tasty way: for example korean King Crab with instant noodle scraps and Asian seafood flavour.

The inspiration for 2-layer fruit gums came from cheerful and trendy breakfast bowls. Silesia's veggie bowl creations contained 40% fruit content and valuable ingredients like low-fat yogurt and wheat fibres. Thanks to fresh fruit flavours, trendy muesli notes and creamy toppings in different flavour combinations, there is something for every taste: exotic delight with mango-, passion fruit-, and a hint of milk-flavours.


