sweets processing 1-2/2024




Loryma®: numerous solutions

Loryma, the food specialist belonging to the Crespel & Deiters Group, presented trend-oriented ingredients for the production of plant-based alternatives and baked goods, for example a new stabilising system that is free from animal ingredients, artificial emulsifiers, colourings, flavourings and preservatives. The wheat-based Lory® Stab compensates for the technological properties of hen's egg or milk in baked goods and ensures an authentic result. As a basic premix, the system enables simple and flexible recipe design for a wide range of applications such as muffins, sponge cakes, cake bases and lava cakes.

In addition to the new stabilising system, the wheat specialist also offers other functional ingredients for the baking industry: Lory® Starch Elara is a resistant wheat starch that increases the fibre content and simultaneously reduces the carbohydrate content in the end product. Depending on the product, the hydrolysed wheat protein Lory® Protein and the extruded Lory® Tex Powder, which does not affect the dough rheology, are particularly suitable for enrichment with high-quality vegetable protein.


