sweets processing 1-2/2024




Innovative and unique worldwide

ProSweets Cologne 2024 will bring together the entire industry expertise of the international supplier industry for the confectionery and snack industry in Cologne. From 28 to 31 January, people will meet to exchange ideas and network on the Rhine. The trade fair will showcase solutions for all process steps, materials and issues – on one platform, at one time.

The event is the leading international event of its kind. With its globally unique programme and structure, it offers an overview and perspectives for the successful business of the future. Fortunately, the trade fair will return to its old date at the end of January in 2024. This will delight many companies, as they will once again be able to present their technological solutions in a correspondingly larger exhibition space.

The one-off ProSweets Cologne 2023 Special Edition was very well received by exhibitors from all product segments, as the exhibition space for 2023 was expanded several times and the event was fully booked with over 115 exhibiting companies from 22 countries. Everyone involved is therefore all the more pleased that ProSweets Cologne is returning to its former size and strength and will once again take place in the hall in its proven form.

ProSweets Cologne is aimed at international suppliers and decision-makers in the snack and confectionery industry. It offers suppliers of raw materials and ingredients, packaging, machines and systems for snacks and confectionery as well as service providers from secondary sectors an excellent forum. Whether low-calorie ingredients for chocolate products, resource-saving crisps packaging or intelligent refrigeration and air-conditioning technology for ice cream – the entire spectrum of the industry is on show at the supplier fair.

Another focus of the trade fair will be the reformulation of confectionery and snacks. Numerous innovations from product developers will show how the balance between health and indulgence can be found.

Whether managing directors, production and manufacturing managers, plant managers and quality managers, packaging designers, product developers and researchers or sales professionals from all over the world – the visitors include numerous decision-makers from the snack and confectionery industry. Nine out of ten visitors belong to leading manufacturers in the industry. ProSweets Cologne is an important contact point for them to find innovative solutions for their products and make new contacts.On the occasion of ProSweets Cologne, the trade magazine sweets processing (sp) is taking an innovative approach. A new format is being launched together with Koelnmesse: Guided tours on 29 and 30 January through Hall 10.1 will bring decision-makers from confectionery companies, primarily those responsible for production, R&D, technology and quality management, together with exhibiting companies from the supplier industry.

Two guided tours of ProSweets Cologne will be offered in order to achieve stronger networking within the confectionery and snack industry. In a time frame of around one hour each, five exhibitors representing the entire value chain will be visited. Participants will benefit from the expertise of first-class dialogue partners, learn new things first-hand and gain insights into innovations and solutions from the ingredients sector as well as the production areas of technology and packaging. Dr Jörg Häseler, editor-in-chief of sweets processing, will lead the tours as moderator.

The link to register for the guided tours: https://www.prosweets.com/events/events-on-site/sweets-global-network-guided-tours/


