sweets processing 11-12/2023




Dear readers,

By Dr. Jörg Häseler, Chefredakteur

Let's get started on the second edition under my direction and with lots of news again. If the figures of the half-yearly balance sheet of the German Federation of the Food Industry (BVE) are correct, it is mixed. In the first half of 2023, the German food industry as a whole recorded only slight real sales growth of 0.3% compared to the same period last year. While foreign countries were able to increase price-adjusted sales by 0.9%, the domestic market weakened and recorded a slight decline of 0.1%. What is the reason for this?

When I talk to food manufacturers, to employees in the supply industry – whether raw materials and ingredients – or machine builders and others, one topic is at the top of the list: shortage of skilled workers. Especially in the STEM disciplines, the number of entrants and graduates is dropping rapidly.Then there is an increasing demand for a four-day week, which increases the demand for skilled workers. I wonder how this is to be implemented in the degree programme. This increases study times by 20 %. Are the graduates then still competitive, since an early entry into professional life is desired? One solution could be to become less dependent on the constraints of digital media. What is equally indispensable are promotional activities for STEM subjects and the more than good prospects for a well-paid job.

What graduates of STEM disciplines are capable of is shown by the presentations at the large Fi Europe and iba trade fairs, which we pick up in this issue. In addition, you will find proven content from our so lucrative industry.

