Full hygiene for fair-trade products: Freiburg-based fairfood GmbH relies on Green Cleaning with the HACCP-certified Blue Evolution S+ steam suction system from beam to clean its production facilities. Thanks to the device's hot dry steam, the fairfood team minimises the use of chemicals and saves over 90 percent of water.
Our product range corresponds with the strictest organic standards. This is why we completely avoid the use of critical chemicals in our cleaning work. This was previously linked with physical labour and took a lot of time. But since we have been working with the Blue Evolution S+ from beam, cleaning our facilities is not only easier and faster, but also more thorough than ever before. This is according to Julian Wirth, Head of Supply Chain at fairfood GmbH.
Along with a wide variety of nut mixes, fairfood produces dried fruits and vegan convenience products. The company has converted to high-tech production facilities with conveyor belts and many sensitive small parts to keep up with its growing product assortment.
The fairfood team noticed the Blue Evolution S+ during a tour of the operation, and a demonstration appointment quickly followed. “To put the device to the test, we immediately used it on the dirtiest spot in our nut butter production. The ground nuts make for very stubborn soiling here,” according to Mr. Wirth. “The beam expert easily beamed the entire surface clean in mere seconds, and all without any chemical cleaning agents. Even the tightest, most inaccessible spots in our production facilities were no problem for him.”
In addition to the necessary cleaning power, sustainability was also an important factor for fairfood, given that the company’s production is guided by the strict standards of the applicable organic regulations and only uses user-friendly and environmentally-friendly substances. The steam vacuum system enables fairfood to drastically reduce its use of chemicals. “Hygienic cleaning doesn’t require chemicals,” says Robert Wiedemann, Managing Director of beam GmbH. Here's how it works: The Blue Evolution series of appliances combines 180°C dry steam with up to 10 bars of steam pressure, putting an end to even the most stubborn stains and refuse. The UVC radiation in the water filter even cleans the air in the room. The released dirt particles are bound in the water, while the UVC light kills germs and deactivates viruses.
And these systems also save water. The conversion from water steam to dry steam means that cleaning a 100 m2 area only requires three litres of water. Julian Wirth and his team use the Blue Evolution S+ every one or two days for intermediate cleaning, and at regular intervals for thorough cleaning.
The results produced by these innovations are scientifically confirmed. The series not only conforms with the strict HACCP standard; it additionally masters the 4-field test, decreasing the number of germs with germ reduction of 2.89 log stages. This certifies these appliances as ideally suitable for use in the food products industry.
This performance value unambiguously confirms that efficient cleaning doesn’t require any chemicals. And particularly in the food products industry, this pays off. After all, who wants to process or store foods in the same place where aggressive chemical agents have been used for cleaning purposes?