sweets processing 7-8/2023




Prefamac has new bean-to-bar machine in its range

The Prefanibs 30 bean-to-bar machine on display at ProSweets Cologne trade fair is used for the production of chocolate with different cocoa contents, starting from roasted cocoa beans which have been processed into cocoa nibs. After pre-refining, the nibs are converted in a refining process by long-time rotation of granite stones into liquid chocolate with particle sizes of maximum 22 µm. This is followed by conching, which gives the chocolate the “finishing touch”. In industrial terms, the machine with a capacity of 30 to 35 kg is also called grinder, and the treatment process stone conching. The sieving of the chocolate before consumption is done directly on the vibration table of the moulding machine or tempering machine. In this process the remnants are minimal. In addition to chocolate, chocolate spreads, pralines, ganache, nut paste or fruit spreads can also be produced with this system.


