sweets processing 7-8/2023




Dear readers,

By Dr. Bernhard Reichenbach, Chefredakteur

This news item made us sit up and take notice: According to a study by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Heidelberg/Germany, greenhouse gas emissions caused by packaging in Germany can be reduced by 94 % by 2045. By 2030, emissions could already shrink by 46 % compared to 2021. According to the study, more than half of the savings could be achieved through a climate and energy turnaround, for example through energy-saving production. A large proportion could also be saved through the type of packaging – lighter packs and those with a higher recyclate content – as well as through circular economy.

Corresponding sustainable solutions were recently presented at interpack, the world’s most important trade show for packaging and confectionery machinery. In this issue, we report in detail on this as well as on the ProSweets Cologne supplier show, another important event for manufacturers of confectionery, baked goods and snacks.

Speaking of events: Also covered in this issue are two other significant meetings for the industry – the “4th International Congress on MOSH/MOAH in Food” and the “18th German Packaging Congress”. Both were held recently in Berlin.

On a personal note, I would like to inform you that on 1 July 2023, I will be passing the baton to my successor, Dr Jörg Häseler, for reasons of age. Dr Häseler is a state-certified food chemist and an experienced editor who has already been writing articles for SG magazine and sweets processing for years and is looking forward to his new task. I wish him all the best in this regard!

