sweets processing 7-8/2023




Aasted: High quality in chocolate tempering

The new StellaNova from Aasted is a special chocolate tempering machine. It works with separate cooling and shearing processes. Thus, it is now possible to cool chocolate to a particularly low temperature while maintaining the same amount of crystals. By needing much shorter cooling time, you can raise production line output up to 40 %, according to the manufacturer. The compact, easy to operate machine is built entirely in hygienic stainless steel, offering a capacity of 200 to 6,000 kg/h. It also has a smaller motor and column. The new design holds up to 75 % less chocolate than traditional tempering machines while still being highly efficient. Stella Nova has a special planet wheel design that ensures 400 % more shear without creating additional shear heat. Its chocolate tempering process does not require a reheat. Combined with having a smaller motor and stack, this saves up to 30 % energy, compared to traditional tempering machines.


