sweets processing 11-12/2020




New process for manufacturing real 3D jellies

The fun factor when enjoying sweets has now been expanded by one dimension. In a globally unique project, nine well-known companies in the confectionery industry have teamed up under the name Connect and developed an industrial process for the production of real 3D jellies. This means that it is now possible to design a beautiful back for the gummy bear as well.

Fruit gums and jellies come in innumerable forms, but they all have at least one flat side or an unsightly dosing point. With the worldwide new process, really three-dimensional figures can be produced, which always show their “good side” – no matter how you turn them.

In three years, the Connect team has developed a product concept from an idea that was born at the regular table of experts, researched the necessary raw material properties, created a recipe, designed shapes, and built a suitable system. And this was always accompanied scientifically to make sure that something of real market relevance comes out of it and not a self-realization project of some nerds.

