sweets processing 11-12/2020




Sweet yeast pastries with less fat

Die neue, modulare Backzutat Intens Puraslim CL des Zutaten-Spezialisten Puratos ermöglicht fettreduzierte Hefegebäcke mit feinem Geschmack und wattig-weicher Textur. Bäckereibetriebe sollen von deutlich niedrigeren Rezepturkosten profitieren können.

The new, modular baking ingredient Intens Puraslim CL from the ingredients specialist Puratos enables low-fat yeast baked goods with a fine taste and a fluffy-soft texture. Bakery businesses should be able to benefit from significantly lower recipe costs.

Enjoy yeast pastries and pay attention to your figure at the same time? This is what bakeries can now offer their customers – with the Intens Puraslim CL baking ingredient from Puratos. And this with the same quality of the baked goods: according to the provider, neither the taste of the low-fat baked goods nor the consistency differ from the standard variant with conventional fat content. Consumers benefit from delicious baked goods with up to 35 % less fat and 7 % fewer calories. An additional plus: thanks to the reduced fat content, switching to Intens Puraslim CL should save around 15 % of the recipe costs.

The modular baking ingredient is suitable for medium to heavy yeast and butter yeast fine doughs such as brioches, braided buns or milk rolls. It can replace up to 50 % of the added fat.

In order to be able to reduce the fat content in baked goods, Puratos has developed a new technology and relies on enzymes inspired by nature. Nicole van Zyl, R&D Manager Bakery at Puratos, explains: “For today’s consumers, not only taste, but also texture, freshness and health are important criteria when buying baked goods. Puratos has therefore been inspired by nature in order to meet precisely these consumer needs as well as the desire for transparency and clean(er) label”.

New generations of enzymes were discovered and patented in various regions around the world, which should enable the manufacture of new types of products with special functionalities. The Intens Puraslim CL baking ingredient is based on the latest enzyme technology from Puratos. This includes a special enzyme that was discovered in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park/USA, which gives baked goods a pleasantly short bite without losing volume and elasticity. Another special enzyme that was found in the forests of the Chinese province of Hunan provides soft baked goods with a pleasantly fluffy-soft texture and
a fine crumb structure.

The new enzymes in Intens Puraslim CL have the effect that less fat has to be added when baking. Nicole van Zyl: “We save fat by using the new enzymes. At the same time, quality, volume, texture and cutting ability remain unchanged. In addition, the enzymes give the yeast dough pastries an extra-long freshness, in addition to a special softness and a fluffy-fine texture.

The clean label baking ingredient also corresponds to the customer’s request for more transparency. Thanks to the mentioned advantages of the product, according to the provider, bakeries can gain a clear competitive advantage and increase their chance of retaining new customers over the long term.


