At Fi Europe & Ni 2019, GoodMills Innovation will showcase a natural high-fibre ingredient for multiple fields of application: a new micronized High-MAC wheat bran and its carbohydrates that are optimally metabolized in the intestine. In contrast to refined flour, which does not support bacterial diversity in the gut, whole grains make an important contribution to microbial diversity. With this in mind, GoodMills Innovation has developed High-MAC wheat bran (MAC stands for “microbiota accessible carbohydrates”), a novel wheat ingredient that is ultra-finely ground and stabilized. As such, it can be metabolized optimally by intestinal bacteria. This is what makes the new product much more bioavailable than the supposedly well to metabolize standard fibres found in whole grain flour and other bran products. The slight natural sweetness of the ingredient also allows the sugar content in recipes from cookie dough to even chocolate creams and other fillings to be reduced, while optimizing texture and mouthfeel.
Fi Europe, Stand 6E151