sweets processing 5-6/2018




Brabender: new method for the characterization of flours

The International FoodTec Award in silver went to GlutoPeak from Brabender, a fast rheological method for characterizing wheat flours. It can be used to make fast and reliable statements about the flour and gluten quality, and for classifying cereal and flour batches. Measuring with GlutoPeak takes place rheologically by recording of the torque. During the measurement, the gluten is washed out, and after a characteristic period, it forms a network which becomes visible through a peak. Following ­further shearing, the network collapses again, and this is represented in a drop of the curve. Both operations reflect the characteristic properties of a flour. The evaluation options have been developed further. By means of the Rapid Flour Check evaluation, the customer additionally receives correlations with established chemical and physical measuring methods. In this way, the software can automatically determine the parameters protein content, wet gluten, water intake and W-value.


