sweets processing 5-6/2018




Hochdorf Group reports successful forward integration

n 2017, the Hochdorf Group increased its net sales revenue by 10.9 % to CHF 600.5 m. The income figures exceeded the previous year significantly. At CHF 42.6 m, Hochdorf increased its earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) by 89.7 %. Net profit rose by 110.5 % to CHF 40.8 m (PY CHF 19.4 m). In the 2017 business year, the Hochdorf Group sold products amounting to 190,499 t (−19.6 % compared to the previous year). The company processed 650,017 t of milk, cream, whey and milk permeate (−12.4 % compared to the previous year). The higher turnover despite lower volumes is due to the higher prices of raw materials and turnover growth in the Baby Care Division as a result of the majority shareholding in Pharmalys Laboratories SA.

For 2018, the group correspondingly expects net sales revenue in the region of CHF 600 to 630 m. On the earnings front, Hochdorf expects the proportional Ebit in relation to production revenue to be 7.0 to 7.5 % (PY 7.1 %).

