Efficient solutions for dough processing
For 75 years, Vemag Maschinenbau GmbH, based in Verden/Germany, has been developing and producing machine systems for the food industry and the small scale segment. With its solutions focused on customer needs in the area of filling, portioning, forming and depositing of food products, the ...
Internationalization and innovation secure jobs in Austria
With its latest integration of the companies SBS Steel Belt Systems USA in Gilberts, Illinois, and Esico B. V. in the Netherlands, the Berndorf Band Group, headquartered in Berndorf/Austria near Vienna, has significantly expanded its steel belt systems portfolio for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food ...
“Industry must become part of the solution”
Bühler‘s second Networking Days took place under the motto “Creating tomorrow together” and provided a forum for manufacturers, industry partners, scientists and start-ups to share ideas and inspire each other, focusing on the key questions: How can a global population of nearly ten billion people ...