sweets processing 1-2/2024




Norevo: for soft and hard dragees

The confectionery industry continually strives for perfection. Achieving a flawless, polished finish on dragees has long been a challenge. The new gum arabic and beeswax based polishing agent Quick Glanz B liquid stands out for its multifaceted benefits. Its versatility extends to accommodating various surface types.

One of the most striking advantages lies in its streamlined application. This innovative formulation boasts a unique blend that combines powder fixing, polishing, and sealing effects into a single, efficient step. The simplification of the process not only saves valuable time but also ensures consistent and superior quality in the final product.

Confectionery surfaces often encounter dust-related challenges during production and storage. Our cutting-edge polishing agent transcends conventional limitations by effectively fixing dust particles on surfaces, subsequently smoothing them to achieve a pristine finish.

Whether incorporated into automatic systems or utilised in manual batches, Norevo Quick Glanz B liquid excels in ease of dosing and distribution. Its user-friendly nature simplifies the integration process, catering to the diverse needs of confectionery manufacturers without compromising on quality or efficiency.


