sweets processing 11-12/2020





Open house with a focus on sustainability

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, more than 100 trade visitors came from all over Germany to find out about new packaging trends. “Given the circumstances, we did not expect such a good response from a wide variety of industries,” says Sales Manager Timo Kollmann. “Due to ...


Wide range of sustainable packaging

As one of the leading suppliers of flexible packaging in Europe, Schur Flexibles stands for the responsible use of plastics along the entire value chain. Under the umbrella of the group’s 5R concept – Responsibility, Recycling, Renewal, Reduce and Replace – a whole range of ...


Sustainable paper packaging for special chocolate tablets

Following Syntegon Technology’s vision to provide intelligent and sustainable solutions for everyone, work on sustainable solutions for paper flow wrapping had already taken shape within the company. A year of continued development resulted in a forming unit and sealing jaws for cold sealing applications. ...