In 2024, Bühler increased its profitability and achieved an EBIT of CHF 227 million and an EBIT margin of 7.6%. The equity ratio improved to 52.8%. The company was able to further strengthen its financial stability through improved cash flow and increased liquidity. Although orders declined in a challenging market environment, sales remained stable and Bühler was able to maintain or even increase its market share. Milling Solutions, Bühler's largest business unit, Leybold Optics and the Customer Service division contributed the most to the success in 2024. ‘In an increasingly uncertain global economic environment, we pursued our approach of ‘making things happen’ and continued to invest in innovation as well as training and development. A big thank you goes to our skilled and dedicated employees, who were once again the key to our success in this very challenging year,’ says Stefan Scheiber, CEO of Bühler.
In 2024, Bühler Group sales remained stable at CHF 3.0 billion (-0.8%), while order intake reached CHF 2.8 billion (-9.9%). Exchange rates had a significant impact on this result: in local currencies, sales rose by 2.5% to CHF 3.1 billion, while order intake totalled CHF 2.9 billion (-7.0%). Thanks to the focus on improving productivity, the Group's profitability increased for the fourth time in a row to an EBIT of CHF 227 million (7.6% of sales; previous year: 7.2%). Net profit rose to CHF 189 million, which corresponds to a margin of 6.3% (previous year: 5.9%). As a result, the equity ratio also increased for the sixth time in a row to 52.8% from 51.1% in 2023. With a particular focus on global inventory management, current assets were reduced by 15.8% to CHF 554 million. Together with improved profitability, this led to an improvement in operating cash flow to CHF 379 million (previous year: CHF 69 million) and a doubling of net liquidity to CHF 503 million. ‘Our strong financial position makes us a reliable long-term partner for our customers, industry partners and bondholders,’ says CFO Mark Macus