
  18/07/2024 | Packaging

FPE publishes guidance for life cycle assessment of flexible packaging

A guidance to support the environmental assessment of flexible packaging solutions from a life cycle thinking perspective has just been provided by the European flexible packaging industry. It was elaborated by the environmental sustainability consultancy Quantis in collaboration with experts from six European flexible packaging converting companies and the association Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) and its content is publicly available. The guidance for life cycle assessment (LCA) of flexible packaging aims to ease the process of conducting LCAs involving flexible packaging and reduce documentation requirements. It is intended for use by LCA practitioners along the flexible packaging value chain but can also be of help for reviewers of such LCAs who have the methodological knowledge but not the necessary product related expertise. The content addresses the relevant and accepted LCA standards, and in the case of existing gaps in numbers or methodology, it provides average data and applicable solutions. Specialists of the flexible packaging industry have been involved in developing the guidance in order to achieve a high level of expertise with the aim to align different methodologies for LCAs of flexible packaging systems and ensure consistency in approach and quality across the industry.

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