
  11/01/2023 | Ingredients

Exberry by GNT reveals significant carbon footprint reductions

GNT has published externally verified data showing it reduced the average carbon footprint of its plant-based Exberry colouring foods by 19 % in the first year of its sustainability plan. The company becomes the first colouring foods supplier to issue a Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement as it aims to become the leader in its field on sustainability.

The statement details GNT’s carbon footprint from 2019 to 2021. The auditor SGS verified the emissions data according to the internationally recognized ISO14064 standard, which includes emissions from carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide across six different reporting categories. As a result, the company can now provide comprehensive, benchmarked information on Exberry colouring foods’ organizational footprint to customers.

The statement shows GNT’s total carbon footprint dropped by 3,427 t to 38,656 t between 2019 and 2021. This is largely due to the use of green electricity at its production sites, which represents an important step in its efforts to reduce CO2-equivalent emissions at its factories by 50 %.