Six wrapping styles for a variety of products at maximum performance – this is what the continuous-motion high-performance MCC machine from Theegarten-Pactec stands for. The MCC wraps a wide variety of product dimensions, especially sensitive products such as chocolate-coated jelly products or soufflé (whipped egg white foam). A successful combination, as it turns out: the MCC and its six folding types was first presented at trade fair interpack 2008. Now, the 100th MCC machine has been sold. The machine’s flexibility promises high investment security, as the MCC can be efficiently converted to other types of folding and product dimensions.
The MCC wraps products in six different folding styles: Double Twist, Top Twist, Side Twist, Vienna Fruit Fold, Foil Wrap and Protected Twist. Theegarten-Pactec thus offer confectionery manufacturers a wrapping machine that combines continuous high performance and flexibility. This unique combination has won over customers from around the globe. The first MCC was sold in 2008 to Polish praline manufacturer Mieszko, and the 100th machine is currently being delivered to the Middle East.