Bühler reports good performance for 2024
In 2024, Bühler increased its profitability and achieved an EBIT of CHF 227 million and an EBIT margin of 7.6%.
In 2024, Bühler Group sales remained stable at CHF 3.0 billion (-0.8%), while order intake reached CHF 2.8 billion (-9.9%). Exchange rates had a significant impact on this result: in local currencies, sales rose by 2.5% to CHF 3.1 billion, while order intake totalled CHF 2.9 billion (-7.0%). Thanks to the focus on improving productivity, the Group's profitability increased for the fourth time in a row to an EBIT of CHF 227 million (7.6% of sales; previous year: 7.2%). Net profit rose to CHF 189 million, which corresponds to a margin of 6.3% (previous year: 5.9%). As a result, the equity ratio also increased for the sixth time in a row to 52.8% from 51.1% in 2023. With a particular focus on global inventory management, current assets were reduced by 15.8% to CHF 554 million. Together with improved profitability, this led to an improvement in operating cash flow to CHF 379 million (previous year: CHF 69 million) and a doubling of net liquidity to CHF 503 million. ‘Our strong financial position makes us a reliable long-term partner for our customers, industry partners and bondholders,’ says CFO Mark Macus
ADVERTORIAL: WDS is delighted by the keen interest at ProSweets 2025
Winkler und Dünnebier Süßwarenmaschinen GmbH (WDS) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of confectionery machines and covers the entire spectrum of moulded confectionery products.
WDS was pleased to welcome an international audience and keen interest from customers and visitors. Carsten Butz, Technical Director at WDS, emphasised: "Personal interaction and meeting at international trade fairs provide a unique opportunity to understand our customers' needs and develop tailored solutions together."
Coperion announces expansion of Switzerland test center to enhance capabilities
ISM 2025: Ulrich Zuenelli wins the ISM Award 2025
Ulrich Zuenelli, Managing Partner of Loacker S.p.A. and a third-generation member of the Loacker-Zuenelli family, is 2025 ISM Award recipient.
The award ceremony yesterday was part of the ISM Dinner. The award recognizes his commitment to the international sweets and snacks industry as well as his long-term contribution to the further development of ISM. Zuenelli has held various executive positions at Loacker since 1996. Zuenelli began as Commercial Director of the production plant in Heinfels, East Tyrol. He went on to take on responsibility in key areas, including President of the supervisory board of Sweets Global Network and Vice Chairman of the ISM Task Force (AISM).
“Ulrich Zuenelli is not only an excellent manager, he is also a valuable driving force for the entire sweets and snacks industry. His tireless efforts for progress and his presence within the industry make him a true role model,” said Bastian Fassin, Chairman of the BDSI.
“ISM plays and has played a decisive role in the development and further development of our international business as a medium-sized company. Hence, for me personally the ISM Award is a highly appreciated recognition of my efforts to promote the successful development of the trade fair, both as a long-standing active exhibitor and visitor as well as in my capacity as vice chairman of the ISM Task Force,” says Zuenelli. “This award ceremony was a perfect enhancement to our anniversary celebrations and rounds off our 100th anniversary in a special way,” he adds.
Döhler will present cutting-edge ingredient solutions at ProSweets Cologne 2025
From January 23rd, 2025, Schur will have the agency for Ishida in Denmark
Barry Callebaut: sales volume down slightly in the first quarter
The Barry Callebaut Group reported sales volume of 565,238 tonnes during the first three months of fiscal year 2024/25 (ended November 30, 2024). The highly challenging and volatile market environment has impacted short-term customer and consumer demand, resulting in a sales volume decrease of 2.7%.
According to the company, sales revenue amounted to CHF 3.450 bn, an increase of 63.1% in local currencies (+ 53.9% in CHF). The increase was driven by Barry Callebaut's cost-plus pricing model as the business passed through the significantly higher cocoa bean price to customers.
Global Chocolate saw a 3.4% volume decrease, in an overall declining chocolate confectionery market (- 2.6%; source: NielsenIQ volume growth excluding e-commerce – 26 countries, September 2024 - October/November 2024; data subject to adjustment to match Barry Callebaut's reporting period; NielsenIQ data only partially reflects the out-of-home and impulse consumption). Food Manufacturers (- 3.8%) saw slower demand. Given the recent cocoa bean price acceleration, customers have been delaying orders. Volumes also decreased in Gourmet (- 1.5%).
Looking at regional performance within Global Chocolate, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (AMEA, + 6.4%) was the strongest contributor. Latin America saw double-digit volume growth (+ 13.2%). North America reported a volume decrease of 1.9%. Central and Eastern Europe (- 4.5%) was impacted by lower volumes for several large global and regional Food Manufacturer customers. Volume development in Western Europe (- 7.5%) was partly impacted by the high base of comparison, with a large one-off contract in the prior year.
Sales volume for Global Cocoa was around flat (+ 0.3%). Demand for cocoa powder remained robust and the business was able to capture some customer opportunities. Cocoa liquor continued to be impacted by the supply constrained environment.
ADVERTORIAL: GNT to present plant-based EXBERRY® colors at ProSweets 2025